Saturday, November 26, 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Anissimov, M. (2022, September 13). What is the Future of Technology? All the Science. Retrieved from,continue%20to%20get%20more%20powerful%2C%20numerous%2C%20and%20cheaper.

Annotation: This article discusses the future of technology. It covers progressive information about emerging technologies such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, and robotics. It is a concise article with a healthy amount of scientific information that will open the mind to futuristic technological possibilities. The author, Michael Anissimov, is a longtime contributor to the website AllTheScience and former employee of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence. This article is for anyone who is passionate about technology and its place in the future.

Beach, D. (2018, March 7). The Impact of Technology on Employee Training. LinkedIn. Retrieved from

Annotation: The author David Beach is a Human Resource Director and USAA/SHRM Ambassador. As a Human Resource Director, he appears to be knowledgeable on employee training processes and how technology has impacted employee training. In the article, it explains how useful and invaluable technology has become in providing training to employees. The target demographic of this article is anyone who provides training for others.

Kolodzy, J. (2012). Practicing Convergence Journalism. Taylor & Francis.

Annotation: Janet Kolodzy is an Associate Professor of Journalism at Emerson College and has also been a reporter, writer, and producer for news organizations. In this textbook, she gives professional insight into journalistic processes such as organizing, reporting, producing, and storytelling principles for news and features. She also covers the use of digital technology and the role that it plays in providing media content. The target audience of this textbook are communication students and professionals.

Nartya, D. (2022, January 26). History of Public Relations. PRNEWS Blog. Retrieved from

Annotation: Daria Nartya is a content manager in social media marketing and multi-linguistic translator. This article is part of her goal to help businesses with effective messaging to their target audiences. In this article, Ms. Nartya provides a history of public relations practices that date back to before the 15th century. This article talks about all the significant changes in public relations over the years. And she pays homage at the end of the article with a nod to future technology progression.

Niroula, A. (2018, March 21). Impacts of Technology on Culture, Tradition and Social Values. LinkedIn. Retrieved from

Annotation: Author Ashes Niroula is an experienced engineer from New South Wales, Australia. He is also a student at Tribhuvan University and this post was copy of his research on the impact of technology on culture, tradition, and social values. It covers the synergistic relationships between technology and society and technology and culture and how it impacts communication online. This brief but informative post is geared towards anyone who want a quick synopsis of the impact of technology on society.

Perrin, A. (2022, August 31). Future Communication Technology: Changes You Can't Ignore [blog]. Adapt IT Telecoms. Retrieved from  

Annotation: Agnieszka Perrin has twenty-years of experience in Marketing. As the Global Head of Marketing, her expertise is in the practical implementation of digital and traditional marketing. In this article, Ms. Perrin talks about communication technology and how it is transforming, dominating, and impacting all aspects of life and business. This article is relevant to anyone interested in information technology and/or communication.

Society’s Expectation of Technology. (2021, November 27). Society’s Expectations of Technology: Building a Relationship with Technology and Losing Relationships with Each Other[blog]. Technology, Media, and Culture. Retrieved from

Annotation: According to the Technology, Media, and Culture website, this is a site that explores how modern media has changed technology and culture. Their focus is on the shifts in society and culture, the progression of technology, and social media usage. This is an online platform where technology bloggers to share their expertise and build awareness. This blogger of this post referenced the TEDx video of Sherry Turkle’s speech titled “Alone Together”. In the speech, Ms. Turkle talks about society’s relationship with technology. The audience for this blog/video is for everyone.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Advancement of Technology and Culture

The impact of technology on culture and how it effects, and influences society is undeniably substantial. Values, norms, and practices are the culture of society and “technology has a crucial impact on fundamental aspects of all our cultures” (Niroula, 2018). The interactive relationship between the advancement of technology and culture is rooted in recurrent co-dependency. Strengthening interpersonal connections is the vital role that technology plays in culture where people tend to devote more time to technology and less time in social environments (Niroula, 2018).

Below is a really good video called How Does Technology Impact Our Culture posted by V. Mathew (2016) that gives a good and brief explanation on how technology impacts our culture.


Matthew, V. (2016, November 19). How Does Technology Impact Our Culture? [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Niroula, A. (2018, March 21). Impacts of Technology on Culture, Tradition and Social Values. LinkedIn. Retrieved from

The Advancement of Technology and Society's Expectation


Over the years, the advancement of technology in mass media has changed society’s expectations. Society have gone from face-to-face communication and interactions to text messaging and instant messages. People no longer go out to the movies but stay home and stream movies. The way that society interacts with each other has been dramatically altered (Society’s Expectations of Technology, 2021).

Author and Psychologist Sherry Turkle has studied society’s relationship to technology for over a decade and shared in her Tedtalk, “Connected, but Alone?” (2012) shared about how dependent society has become on technology. She talks about how in just a short period of time, technology has made communication more convenient at the expense of human interaction. She asks that “as [society] expects more from technology, do we expect less from each other?” (Tedtalks, 2012).


Society’s Expectation of Technology. (2021, November 27). Society’s Expectations of Technology: Building a Relationship with Technology and Losing Relationships with Each Other[blog]. Technology, Media, and Culture. Retrieved from

Tedtalks: Sherry Turkle--Connected, But Alone? (2012). YouTube. Retrieved from

Technology Advancement in Mass Media

There are many layers to the evolution of technological advancement in mass media. Merriam-Webster dictionary (n.d.) defines mass media as “communication such as newspapers, radio, or television that is designed to reach the mass of people”. And thanks to technology, modes of communication can include the internet and social media. The photo below outlines a broad overview of the evolution that media or modes of communication have undergone over the years.

Advancements in Technology (2013) is an excellent video that shows just how much technology has evolved since the 1900’s. It shows the different modes of communication that were once prevalent in communicating to the masses. Nowadays, in the field of communication, professionals can produce content faster than they ever did before technology (Anderson, 2016). And these technological advancements are also what was needed to enable communication globally with much more ease and efficiency.


Anderson, N. (2016, July 10). Technology's Advancement in Mass Media [blog]. Technology's Advancement in Mass Media. Retrieved from

Khan, H. (2013, May 13). Advancements In Technology. Retrieved from

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Mass medium. In dictionary.                Retrieved from

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Future of Technology

It is clear that the development of technology is continuous. And while no one can predict the future with absolute certainty about which way technology trends will go or how it will affect the workplace, there are reasonable arguments being made. Some futurists claim that “the rate of technological progress is accelerating” and that “better tools help us create better tools” (Anissimov, 2022). 

Some future technological developments will undoubtedly require futuristic training. Areas of development that are being anticipated are biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, the domain of computers increasing in functionality, and automation technology (Annissimov, 2022). These developments can affect how the field of communication operates in the future. For example, someday Machine to Machine communication might enable artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to exchange information, a technology that can be used for remote working and data usage management (Perrin, 2021). 


Anissimov, M. (2022, September 13). What is the Future of Technology? All the Science. Retrieved from,continue%20to%20get%20more%20powerful%2C%20numerous%2C%20and%20cheaper.

Perrin, A. (2022, August 31). Future Communication Technology: Changes You Can't Ignore [blog]. Adapt IT Telecoms. Retrieved from  

Public Relations and Technology


Public Relations (PR) is a field of communication that has had to evolve with changes in technology. The history of public relations dates back to before the 15th century and has been divided into four ages: the Beginnings of PR, the Age of Print, the Age of Mass Media, and the Age of Digital and Social Media (Nartya, 2022). The field of public relations work closely with other professional areas of communication such as journalism and marketing. Public relations representatives, sometimes referred to as Public Information Officers (PIOs), provide useful information and insight and are often spokespersons for organizations, governmental agencies, celebrities, etc. (Kolodzy, 2012, p. 29). 

And just like journalism and marketing, PIOs have had to make training a priority to keep up with the constant evolution of technology. PR is far more than just managing relationships between organizations and the public, it also involves a strategic approach to utilizing digital technologies (Moyer, 2015). PR professionals have gone from creating content by hand and then handing out hardcopies, mailing, faxing, or sending it by telegraph to now producing documents on a computer or mobile device and posting them to social media or sending via e-mail and/or posting on their website and their technological access continues to evolve. “Much of the strategy and tactics of public relations rely on the use of media…and are designed to improve effectiveness and efficiency” (Moyer, 2015).



Kolodzy, J. (2012). Practicing Convergence Journalism. Taylor & Francis.

Moyer, J. (2015, June 3). Mapping the Consequences of Technology on Public Relations. Institute for Public Relations. Retrieved from,electronically%20transmitted%20press%20release%20on%20March%208%2C%201954.

Nartya, D. (2022, January 26). History of Public Relations. PRNEWS Blog. Retrieved from


For many years, various forms of communication have changed how we interact with other. Almost 90% of communication nowadays is utilized by some form of digital methods (Ronald, 2021). And the evolution of technology has prompted modern-day communicators to reconsider how they do their work. The workplace went from face-to-face communications to webinars and virtual meetings. The diversity of modes of communication has affected productivity, workplace interaction, how work is created, shared, and tracked, and it is constantly changing (Asset Panda, 2021). 

Professional training is also influenced by the evolution of technology. Organizations started initiating training and development through technology-based methods in the 1980’s (Beach, 2018). Businesses realized the need to keep their employees abreast of technology changes and skills. They understood that there was value and an advantage to providing the technological training. It was cost efficient, effective, and contributed to the company’s goals (Beach, 2018). Therefore, an organizations proactive approach to technological training has been a win-win for employees as well as the organization. 


Asset Panda. (2021, October 6). The History of Communication in the Workplace [blog]. Asset Panda. Retrieved from

Beach, D. (2018, March 7). The Impact of Technology on Employee Training. LinkedIn. Retrieved from

Ronald. (2021, November 30). The Role of Technology in the Evolution of Communication. Genuinereviews. Retrieved from,internet%20has%20totally%20transformed%20communication%20in%20every%20way.

Annotated Bibliography

Anissimov, M. (2022, September 13). What is the Future of Technology? All the Science. Retrieved from