Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Advancement of Technology and Society's Expectation


Over the years, the advancement of technology in mass media has changed society’s expectations. Society have gone from face-to-face communication and interactions to text messaging and instant messages. People no longer go out to the movies but stay home and stream movies. The way that society interacts with each other has been dramatically altered (Society’s Expectations of Technology, 2021).

Author and Psychologist Sherry Turkle has studied society’s relationship to technology for over a decade and shared in her Tedtalk, “Connected, but Alone?” (2012) shared about how dependent society has become on technology. She talks about how in just a short period of time, technology has made communication more convenient at the expense of human interaction. She asks that “as [society] expects more from technology, do we expect less from each other?” (Tedtalks, 2012).


Society’s Expectation of Technology. (2021, November 27). Society’s Expectations of Technology: Building a Relationship with Technology and Losing Relationships with Each Other[blog]. Technology, Media, and Culture. Retrieved from

Tedtalks: Sherry Turkle--Connected, But Alone? (2012). YouTube. Retrieved from

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Annotated Bibliography

Anissimov, M. (2022, September 13). What is the Future of Technology? All the Science. Retrieved from