Sunday, October 9, 2022

Technology Advancement in Mass Media

There are many layers to the evolution of technological advancement in mass media. Merriam-Webster dictionary (n.d.) defines mass media as “communication such as newspapers, radio, or television that is designed to reach the mass of people”. And thanks to technology, modes of communication can include the internet and social media. The photo below outlines a broad overview of the evolution that media or modes of communication have undergone over the years.

Advancements in Technology (2013) is an excellent video that shows just how much technology has evolved since the 1900’s. It shows the different modes of communication that were once prevalent in communicating to the masses. Nowadays, in the field of communication, professionals can produce content faster than they ever did before technology (Anderson, 2016). And these technological advancements are also what was needed to enable communication globally with much more ease and efficiency.


Anderson, N. (2016, July 10). Technology's Advancement in Mass Media [blog]. Technology's Advancement in Mass Media. Retrieved from

Khan, H. (2013, May 13). Advancements In Technology. Retrieved from

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Mass medium. In dictionary.                Retrieved from

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Annotated Bibliography

Anissimov, M. (2022, September 13). What is the Future of Technology? All the Science. Retrieved from