Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Future of Technology

It is clear that the development of technology is continuous. And while no one can predict the future with absolute certainty about which way technology trends will go or how it will affect the workplace, there are reasonable arguments being made. Some futurists claim that “the rate of technological progress is accelerating” and that “better tools help us create better tools” (Anissimov, 2022). 

Some future technological developments will undoubtedly require futuristic training. Areas of development that are being anticipated are biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, the domain of computers increasing in functionality, and automation technology (Annissimov, 2022). These developments can affect how the field of communication operates in the future. For example, someday Machine to Machine communication might enable artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to exchange information, a technology that can be used for remote working and data usage management (Perrin, 2021). 


Anissimov, M. (2022, September 13). What is the Future of Technology? All the Science. Retrieved from,continue%20to%20get%20more%20powerful%2C%20numerous%2C%20and%20cheaper.

Perrin, A. (2022, August 31). Future Communication Technology: Changes You Can't Ignore [blog]. Adapt IT Telecoms. Retrieved from  

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Annotated Bibliography

Anissimov, M. (2022, September 13). What is the Future of Technology? All the Science. Retrieved from