Sunday, September 25, 2022


For many years, various forms of communication have changed how we interact with other. Almost 90% of communication nowadays is utilized by some form of digital methods (Ronald, 2021). And the evolution of technology has prompted modern-day communicators to reconsider how they do their work. The workplace went from face-to-face communications to webinars and virtual meetings. The diversity of modes of communication has affected productivity, workplace interaction, how work is created, shared, and tracked, and it is constantly changing (Asset Panda, 2021). 

Professional training is also influenced by the evolution of technology. Organizations started initiating training and development through technology-based methods in the 1980’s (Beach, 2018). Businesses realized the need to keep their employees abreast of technology changes and skills. They understood that there was value and an advantage to providing the technological training. It was cost efficient, effective, and contributed to the company’s goals (Beach, 2018). Therefore, an organizations proactive approach to technological training has been a win-win for employees as well as the organization. 


Asset Panda. (2021, October 6). The History of Communication in the Workplace [blog]. Asset Panda. Retrieved from

Beach, D. (2018, March 7). The Impact of Technology on Employee Training. LinkedIn. Retrieved from

Ronald. (2021, November 30). The Role of Technology in the Evolution of Communication. Genuinereviews. Retrieved from,internet%20has%20totally%20transformed%20communication%20in%20every%20way.

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Annotated Bibliography

Anissimov, M. (2022, September 13). What is the Future of Technology? All the Science. Retrieved from